How the Mighty Fall by Timothy Poulton

Category: Photos

How the Mighty Fall by Timothy Poulton

So I might put a few noses out of joint but when has that ever stopped me. I’m sick and tired of so-called famous photographers getting all the attention. They’re dead. And if there’s any attention left over, the same famous living photographers who have been doing the same thing over and over again for years or decades get it. As far as I’m concerned, they’re almost dead. And then there’s photographers who get press for big sales almost more than for their photography. How do we educate the public about all the photographers who are young, talented and dedicated to producing all kinds of wonderful imagery? How do we get the media to start paying attention to them instead of those same few names over and over again? How do we get art buyers to stop thinking about what they collect only in terms of money, investment, and boring brand-name photographers? Most importantly, how do we convince more people to buy more contemporary photography by younger photographers? Personally I think the blame should lie at the feet of social media and the industry that continues to have a stranglehold on what’s popular and who gets a a slice of the pie. I’ve been lucky enough to have a successful business that’s funded my photography career and done pretty well so far but what about all these super talented photographers that hold jobs during the day and bust arse on the weekend flogging their art. Love to hear your thoughts on this, am I just mad or does this resonate with you. I have create a new Vero account so for those with interest in the demise of Instagram, head over and look me up.

Timothy Poulton: Photos

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