Fill the cracks by Ryan Dyar

Category: Photos

Fill the cracks by Ryan Dyar

I know nobody on earth follows me to read what the fuck I have to say about what goes on in the world. I’m just some dumb asshole who points a camera at shit and makes art that doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of life. But I’ve been chewing on a simple sentence I heard from @cthagod last week on @breakfastclubam and it went something like “if folks loved black people as much as they love black culture, the world would be a better place.” As a white guy who is obsessed with hip-hop, I’ve been doing some self reflection on that sentence. Sometimes we think loving black culture and loving our black friends automatically makes us an ally by default… but it does not. We are still privileged white guys who are very much ignorant to the black experience in the US. We have to be better… and I’m very much included in that “we.” So as a white dude, I’m shutting the fuck up and listening to what the black community needs the world to hear right now. Black lives matter and we need to prove it by the way we vote, especially on the local level. I hope that this post makes some sort of sense. Just wanted to share something I’ve been reflecting on.

Ryan Dyar: Photos

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